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Have Questions? Call Us Today! Phone: 317-702-1709

two people talking

About Us

Why Choose Us

  • We provide flexible services tailored to your needs
  • Our culture at Bright Hope is to help consumers live their best life, and have "say so" in their health plan, desired services, where to live and hang out with family and friends in public or privately

How We Provide Top-Notch Care

  • The individual has meaningful choices and supports to accentuate their current and preferred life
  • We show kindness and consideration of daily needs
  • The consumer leads the process
  • We achieved the full 3-year Joint Commission accreditation

Our Professionals

  • Registered Nurses/LPN's
  • QIDP's (Qualified Intellectual Disabilities Professionals)
  • Direct support
  • Natural supports
smiling girl and a woman wearing a blue top

Our Commitment

Our Mission

Our mission is to give quality care with respect, dignity and safety to support healthy and fulfilling lives for our clients.

Bright Hope Community Services provides topnotch services for those with intellectual/developmental disabilities to help them live their best life, become a viable part of the community and help make dreams and desires reality.

Bright Hope provide excellent health management and support to each of our consumers so they can thrive in their everyday lives.

Bright Hope help your loved one maintain dignity, independence, productivity and community involvement, and provide specialized living arrangements.

Bright Hope conduct assessments to ensure our team is aware of the unique needs of our consumers and craft a goal-oriented individual plan for your loved one(s).